In this project, I have explored how form is perceived from my Dad’s perspective, and so hope to gain a small insight into seeing through his eyes.
Until a recent conversation with him, I held a preconception of his experience of blindness, as being unable to see in large areas of his vision. I then discovered that my Dads progressive sight loss results in his perception of space being that of almost an alternate reality. Rather than seeing dark or blurred patches, as I previously assumed, his brain forms an image using his remaining vision in an attempt to complete the picture. For example, he will see an empty road even if a person walks across it. Negative space is filled by his brain, making the distinction between what is there and what is seen difficult. Therefore, he relies on his other senses, such as touch, to understand space and objects.

Development/Digital outcome:
Development of Analogue Outcome:
Exploring the Scarborough North and South Pools: past and present, nostalgia and decline.
Development/Experimentation/Analogue Outcome:

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