'walk through water' 
'plunge into' 
old english 'move onward' 
germanic 'go (through)'

North Woodside Flint Mill, Glasgow
125 Garriochmill Road

Ruins of a single storey Flint Mill that supplied Glasgow Pottery Industry. The ruins include a kiln, weir and lade.
Within boundaries of the Glasgow Botanic Gardens.
Access via Garriochmill Road

To propose a well-being focused spa centre that connects people to the water of the river Kelvin and its surrounding valley.
The spa aims to reference the materiality, processes and stories of the former Flint Mill. A focus placed upon the key relationship between the site’s specific interior and exterior. Creating a space that allows users to immerse in nature in all weathers.

Model making. Exploring the valley of the river Kelvin surrounding the former Mill's ruins. Light moving through the trees and creating shadows.
Fine branches collected on site visit. Water effect for the river and lade created on site, tracing paper left on the ruin’s walls to absorb the rain.
Video with audio taken on second site visit, focusing on the natural reflections of surrounding trees in the lade and the sound of rain drops landing in the water. Capturing the spaces calm quiet atmosphere.
Site Analysis:

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